Kenafric Confectionery Wholesale Activation

Project type
Wholesale Activation
Kenafric Confectionery
Kenafric Industries Limited is one of the largest manufacturers of confectionery, culinary products, juices, biscuits and snacks in Kenya.

Our role

Our team’s primary focus involved generating robust secondary sales from distribution points, ensuring consistent revenue streams. Introducing new products and devising rewarding incentives for shoppers contribute to brand loyalty and market expansion.

Promoters played a pivotal role in closely monitoring outlet stocks and replenishment levels, ensuring a seamless supply chain. The implementation of schemes and offers extended to wholesalers further stimulated sales, creating a dynamic and engaging market environment. Moreover, our promoters actively sourced orders from surrounding retail shops, fostering collaborative relationships and expanding the brand’s reach in the market.

Notable Achievement

The New Rebranded Fresh chewing gum activation spearheaded by our team resulted in sales of over 30 million in just 26 days. Additionally, the Muguka Kubwa Chewing gum saw a remarkable sales growth of 54% in just 6 weeks.
30 million
sales in 26 days
Sales growth
Weeks turn around time

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+254 723 101 074

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